Dr. Karl C. Ivarson Soil Science Scholarship
This scholarship was created by Dr. Karl C. Ivarson through a gift to the Agricultural Institute of Canada Foundation, now CFFAE. Dr. Ivarson's wish was to provide financial support to a student(s) entering second or subsequent year of graduate studies in soil science (in areas of agriculture, agro-ecology, resource management, environment, geology or other related disciplines) at a recognized Canadian university.
CFFAE is offering (2) $3,000 Ivarson Soil Science Scholarships in 2023
Apply Now - Deadline is March 20, 2023!
• Candidates must hold Canadian citizenship or Permanent Resident status in Canada.
• Candidates must be registered full-time and must be in their second or subsequent year of a graduate program in soil science (agriculture, agro-ecology, resource management, environment, geology or other related disciplines) at a recognized Canadian university. Note: First year PhD students are eligible if they have studied soil science at the masters level.
• A letter from your university confirming enrolment must be included in your application
• Previous recipients of this scholarship are not eligible for subsequent awards.
Selection Criteria
Selection of scholarship recipients will be based solely on information provided as part of the application. No restrictions are placed on scholarship applicants holding other grants or awards or receiving assistance or income from other sources. Scholarships are awarded using the following criteria, not listed in order of importance: 1) Academic Achievement, 2) Areas of Study, 3) Community Involvement, 4) Career Interests, and 5) Letters of Recommendation.
How to Apply
Step 1: Read the full 2023 application guidelines: 2023 Application Guidelines (PDF)
Step 2: Download and complete the application form: 2023 Application Form (MS Word)
Step 3: Assemble your application package with all required documentation into 1 PDF:
A completed and signed 2023 Ivarson Soil Science Scholarship application form.
Official Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions. NOTE: Only PDF scans of official transcripts will be accepted and must be included as part of the application and received by the deadline.
A letter from your university confirming enrolment in your current Masters or PhD program.
Compile all parts of your application (except reference letters) into one pdf document before submission. Preferred order is Application form, Letter of Enrollment, Transcripts. Note that free PDF merge tools are available online, e.g. www.ilovepdf.com
Step 4: Submit your application package by March 20, 2023:
Your completed application package PDF must be submitted electronically by the deadline to manager@cffae.ca, subject line: Ivarson Soil Scholarship Application for Name
Step 5: Have up to 3 referees submit a reference form:
Provide Up to three (3) letters of reference (using the form provided below). Reference forms must be submitted directly by the referees to manager@cffae.ca. See full application guidelines for details.
Reference Form (Fillable PDF Form)
Applications will accepted until March 20, 2023
Application Guidelines (PDF)
Application Form (MS Word)
Reference Form (Fillable PDF Form)