Dr. Karl C. Ivarson Agricultural Scholarship
These scholarships were created by Dr. Karl C. Ivarson through a bequest to the Agricultural Institute of Canada Foundation, now CFFAE. In establishing this award, Dr. Ivarson wished to support students from his home province of Alberta in their pursuit of studies in agricultural sciences. The Ivarson Agricultural Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic achievement, areas of study, community Involvement, career Interests and letters of recommendation.
2023 awards are
one (1) Master of Science scholarship of $10,000 and
one (1) PhD scholarship of $17,000
Applications Accepted from September 5 to October 15, 2023
Candidates must hold Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Resident status.
Candidates must be registered full-time in a masters or doctorate program in the area of agriculture or related discipline.
Candidates must be enrolled in their graduate program until at least one semester beyond the application deadline.
Previous recipients of this scholarship are not eligible for subsequent awards.
Candidates must be from the province of Alberta by meeting at least one of the following criteria. (“From the province of Alberta” is a qualifying criterion only and is not used as a scoring element in the selection of award recipients):
An applicant with a permanent residence in Alberta, Canada for a minimum of 12 months prior to the application deadline.
A student studying agriculture or a related discipline at an Alberta university.
A graduate of an Alberta high school or post-secondary institution but studying at a non-Alberta institution.
An applicant born in Alberta.
Significant knowledge of and attachment to Alberta, as demonstrated through a series of short-term residences including some primary or secondary schooling in Alberta.
Guidelines and Forms:
2023 Application Guidelines
2023 Application Form (MS Word)
2023 Referee Form (Fillable PDF)
How to Apply
Please read the full Application Guidelines for complete instructions on how to apply: To apply, you must submit a compiled PDF application package by October 15, 2023. Your compiled PDF application package must include:
A completed and signed 2023 Ivarson Agricultural Scholarship application form.
PDF copies of your official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions. NOTE: Scanned Official Transcripts in PDF must be included as part of the application and received by the deadline.
A letter from your university confirming enrolment in your current Masters or PhD program.
Compile all parts of your application (except reference letters) into one pdf document before submission. Tools are available online, e.g., https://www.ilovepdf.com/
Your completed application package must be submitted electronically by the deadline to manager@cffae.ca, subject line: Ivarson Agricultural Application from LastName
How to include references
Your application can include up to 3 references. Preference will be given to references from the following list, with at least one letter being from the first two individuals:
Your academic supervisor,
Another faculty member,
Person outside academia who is arms length from you.
References are to be provided using the referee form provided above and must be completed by the referee and emailed by the referee to manager@cffae.ca.